NewWork Office

NewWork Kannai ・ Sakuragichō

2F Nissei Yokohama Onoecho Bldg., 6-81 Onoecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 231-0015
Opening Hours: Weekdays 8:00am-8:00pm
Closed: Sat, Sun and Holidays
Nearby Station: JR Kannai Station, North Exit, 5 min. walk / Municipal subway Kannai Station, Exit 9, 4 min. walk / JR Sakuragicho Station, 6 min. walk / Bashamichi Station, Exit 1b, 5 min. walk


* Please note how to exit the building after 8:00pm.


Google map

Number of seats: 43 | Type of seats: Open / Booth


Key lock / Yes

Monitor / Yes

Meeting Room: 6 people x 1, 15 min. 500 yen (tax not included)
* Reservations are required through My Page.
* If you would like to use the space for more than 120 consecutive minutes, please make a separate reservation.


Key lock / Yes

Monitor / Yes

Private Work Booth: 1 person x 6, 15 min. 150 yen (tax not included)
* Reservations are required through My Page.
* If you would like to use the space for more than 120 consecutive minutes, please make a separate reservation.


MFPs: Yes


Wifi: Yes


Outlet: Yes


Telephone Booth: Yes


Vending Machine: Yes